Your Guide to the Digital Licensing Registration Certificate (CRLV), The electronic CRLV is the digital document that every Brazilian driver needs to have on their cell phone. However, the subject still raises a lot of doubt and few people really know how to issue the certificate.The digital crlv is the current vehicle document format in Brazil. It is issued after payment of the annual licensing fee and is valid for 1 year, according to the CTB (Brazilian Traffic Code), learn how to download digital crlv on your cell phone.In 2020, Detrans stopped issuing the CRLV (Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate) on paper. And, since then, it is the driver himself who must download and print the vehicles digital document.The CRLVs function is to prove that the vehicle is duly regularized with Detran and free to circulate throughout the national territory.Note: Unofficial application, for more information visit the website,source: